Department of Social Welfare Big Data

The Department of Social Welfare Big Data at Sehan University offers an education program that combines theory and practice. Students are equipped with the ability to analyze and solve various problems arising in the field of social welfare by engaging in diverse projects. To achieve this, students need to acquire various analytical skills and apply them to problem-solving in the field of social welfare.
•Educational Objectives:
- Foster talents who can analyze and solve various problems in the field of social welfare.
- Provide education to develop the ability to collect, process, and analyze large-scale data.
- Cultivate talents who can collaborate with experts from various fields within the Department of Social Welfare Big Data.
- Provide education on security, privacy protection, and understanding of the handling of large-scale data.
- Develop the ability to analyze social issues and propose policies for their resolution.
- Department Specialization:
- Train experts in social welfare program analysis with planning and evaluation capabilities based on big data.
- Develop professionals in case management data analysis with specialized skills in case management analysis and coordination.
- Cultivate experts in social environment analysis with an understanding and analytical skills of local community environmental changes.
- Foster facility operation professionals utilizing big data with integrated analytical skills in the overall operation of social welfare facilities.
• Career Opportunities after Graduation:
- For Social Welfare majors:
-Employment in the field of social welfare as a social welfare worker.
-Graduate studies in social welfare.
-Public servants specialized in social welfare at city or district offices.
-Work in medical institutions as general medical social workers (followed by a period of training, work as mental health social workers).
-Work as social workers in schools.
-Employment in general corporations handling labor management, personnel management, and in-house lifelong education.
-Employment in counseling centers, particularly career counseling centers.
-Management of social welfare facilities. - For Social Welfare Big Data majors:
-Graduate studies in Artificial Intelligence industries.
-Employment in the government or local government agencies as social welfare data analysts or policy analysts.
-Employment in non-profit organizations and NGOs as program evaluators and research analysts, or data managers.
-Employment in social welfare agencies and welfare service organizations as service improvement analysts or welfare program planners.
-Employment in research institutes and universities as social welfare data researchers or research assistants.
-Employment in consulting firms as social welfare consultants or data analysis consultants.
-Employment in healthcare management and medical institutions as medical data analysts or social welfare program evaluators.