Department of Global Welfare Korean Studies

The Department of Global Welfare Korean Studies at Sehan University aims to meet the increasing regional demand for multicultural professionals by nurturing Korean language teachers and social workers, who form the two pillars of multicultural policies. It also aims to develop experts in multiculturalism with both qualifications and capabilities. Furthermore, through an understanding of cultural diversity, the department cultivates global talents who can integrate the global competencies of immigrant populations into local communities and embrace the characteristics of the global-local context.
• Educational Objectives:
- Cultivate versatile multicultural professionals who possess qualifications as Korean language teachers and social workers.
- Foster multicultural professionals who contribute to the stability and prosperity of local communities.
- Develop global talents with a broad perspective and an open-mindedness toward the world.
• Department Specialization:
- Through the implementation of a dual degree program, the department aims to cultivate multidimensional professionals.
- Implement a flexible dual degree program for four departments within the Global Digital Convergence College.
- Provide educational opportunities in fields such as Korean language education, social welfare, lifelong education, business administration, and big data, enabling the development of versatile professionals who can actively contribute to various aspects of local communities.
- Recognize prior learning related to Micro Degrees & Nano Degrees, award joint credits, and recognize online courses and K-Mooc credits, thereby fostering multicultural professionals equipped with multidimensional competencies and qualifications.
• Career Paths after Graduation:
- In the field of Korean language education (obtaining Level 2 qualification as a Korean language teacher):
-Korean language instructor at university language institutes.
-Instructor for immigrant social integration programs.
-Supervisor for Korean language education programs at multicultural welfare centers.
-After-school teachers in elementary and secondary schools.
-Instructor for bilingual teacher training programs.
-Instructor for Level 3 Korean language teacher training programs.
-In the field of social welfare (obtaining Level 2 qualification as a social worker):
-Civil servant in social welfare.
-Employment in social welfare-related institutions.
-Support staff at multicultural welfare centers.
-Staff in immigrant education programs.
-Staff at medical and educational facilities.
-Korean language instructor for overseas assignments.