International Exchange

• twin degree program, overseas field study program, china exchange program
Basic studies and foreign languages are from Sehan University and majors from foreign universities! It currently operates a program with seven universities and twin degree programs, with two-year courses from this school and two-year courses from overseas sister colleges, or one year courses from graduate schools and two degrees from this school and sister colleges at the same time.

• Basic studies and foreign languages are from Sehan University and majors from foreign universities!
Students in the English department of the Department of Tourism and Foreign Languages and the Chinese department of the Department of Chinese Language can take 15 to 18 credits from sister universities abroad as part of their efforts to improve their foreign language skills and experience overseas culture. Students from other departments can also participate in the program if they wish. All credits that have been completed at the university for at least one year will be accepted at this school, and 1 million won in scholarship benefits will be given to each overseas dispatched student every semester.

• Chinas Exchange program